Ulaanbaatar 2010646A, POBox 537, MONGOLIA.
モンゴルは世界で最も大きい内陸の国の一つで、緯度は北緯41度35分から52度9分、経度は87度44分から119度56分の範囲に及ぶ。総面積は156.4万平方q、東西の長さは2,392Km、南北は1,259Kmに達する。モンゴルにおける動物相は、シベリアのタイガ林、ユーラシアのステップ地帯、そして中央アジアの砂漠の三者の入り混じった様相をなす。モンゴルの最新の鳥類リスト〔Bold et al. (2006)〕に拠れば、モンゴルで確認された鳥類は19目472種にのぼる。BirdLife Internationalの発表では、18の種が世界的にみて絶滅の危機にあり、その内の1種が『保全対策依存』、8種が『準絶滅危惧』のカテゴリーに分類される。それらには、サカツラガンAnser cygnoides、キガシラウミワシHaliaeetus leucoryphus、クロハゲワシAegypius monachus、ヒメチョウゲンボウFalco naumanni、マナヅルGrus vipio、ノガンOtis tarda、シベリアオオハシシギLimnodromus semipalmatus、ゴビズキンカモメLarus relictusが含まれる。これらの種は、世界的にみてもモンゴルにおける繁殖個体群が重要な位置を占めている(Birdlife International, 2001)。2007年に開かれたIBA(国際的に重要な鳥類の生息地)の選定作業部会で、研究者らはモンゴルの国内に計41ヶ所のIBAを認定した。41のIBAの内、12は国内法の保護区の中にあり、11ヶ所はラムサール指定登録湿地になっている。しかしながら、それ以外のIBAの候補地に関する知見や情報、保護策は依然として不足している。
地球全体の気候の変動に伴い、モンゴルでも旱魃や温暖化が鳥類にとって重大な問題に発展しつつある。1940年から2001年の間に、この国の平均気温は1.66度上昇し、しかも夏より冬季の温暖化が目立つ(Batima et al., 2005)。1999から2002年にかけて深刻な旱魃が起こり、その結果、680の河川と760の湖を含むおよそ3000もの水系・水資源が消滅した(Davaa, 2004)。これらの変化は、水鳥の個体数の減少と生息地の悪化を常に引き起こしている。
首輪、あるいは色のついた標識による調査は、近年始まったばかりで、次のような種に対して行った。ナベヅル (Gombobaatar 1996, Tseveenmyadag 2005, collaborative field works with K.Ozaki, S.Gombobaatar and N.Tseveenmyadag)。サカツラガン (N.Tseveenmyadag with USA and Mongolian Ornithological Society collaboration, 2005)。また、翼にタグを付ける方法では、アカアシチョウゲンボウ (Stubbe, Gombobaatar 2000)、 オオノスリ (Gombobaatar et al., 2003)、クロハゲワシ (Nyambayar 2002)などの例がある。地上型の発信機を装着したのは、セーカーハヤブサ(ワキスジハヤブサ) (Potapov et al., 1999, 2000, Gombobaatar, 2006)、ムナグロ(Jeroen, Joop, Jan, Gombobaatar 2005)などである。衛星位置送信機による追跡として、セーカーハヤブサ(Potapov et al., 2000, 2002, Gombobaatar 2006)、ソウゲンワシ (Ellis&Tsengeg 1995)、ナベヅル (Higuchi et al., 1995, Ozaki, Gombobaatar and Tseveenmyadag 2003)、サカツラガン (Tseveenmyadag with USA collaboration, 2005) そしてナベコウ (Gombobaatar with Czech collaboration, 2005)が挙げられる。
・ Migration and conservation survey on geese species
・ Migration survey on risky species of avian flu
・ Migration and conservation survey on threatened birds such as Great Bustard Otis tarda
・ To develop the conservation management for IBAs in Mongolia
Migration Studies and Conservation of Birds in Mongolia
(Current studies and future trends)
; http://www.mos.mn/index.htm
Mongolia is one of the largest landlocked countries in the world, extending between the latitudes of 41o35’N and 52009’N and the longitudes of 87044’E and 119056’E and covering 1,564 square kilometers. The longest distance from west to east is 2,392 km, and from north to south 1,259 km. Mongolia’s fauna represents a mixture of Siberian taiga, Eurasian steppes and the deserts of Central Asia.
The latest review on bird checklist by N.Tseveenmyadag and A.Bold (2006 year), there have been recorded a totally 472 bird species of 19 orders in Mongolia. BirdLife International lists 18 globally threatened, one conservation dependent and eight near threatened species for Mongolia, 12 of which Swan Goose Anser cygnoides, Pallas’s Fish Eagle Haliaeetus leucoryphus, Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus, Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni, White-naped Crane Grus vipio, Great Bustard Otis tarda, Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus, and Relict Gull Larus relictus occur in globally important breeding populations (Birdlife International, 2001). There are 41 important bird areas (IBAs) were identified in the country by Mongolia’s IBAs Workshop in 2007. But only 12 of them are located within protected area and 11 of which listed to Ramsar Convention. Thus, there is still needs to recognize these IBAs for protection.
Presently, the climate condition of Mongolia is quickly changing due to global warming. The climate is getting warmer and slightly drier. The annual mean surface air temperature in Mongolia has risen by 1.660C, warming faster in winter than in summer, during the 1940-2001 period (Batima et al., 2005). These changes are basic impact of habitat degradation of birds in Mongolia, especially on wetland species. Because, Mongolia experienced its worst droughts in the summers of 1999-2002, which covered 50-70% of the territory and about 3000 water sources including 680 rivers and 760 lakes dried up during these long-lasting droughts (Davaa, 2004).
Another present environmental impact to birds of the country is the increasing number of pastoral livestock. Mongolia is a vast (>156 million ha), sparsely populated, central Asian nation of about 2.5 million people. Approximately 80% of Mongolian territory is used by pastoralists for extensive livestock grazing (MNE, 2001). Increasing the livestock number is caused by changes of socio-economic system of the country from collective system since 1990 and main reason for that case is the livestock is privatized to local citizens. Result of this privatization the livestock numbers increased rapidly from about 25.2 million head in 1993 to over 33.5 million head in 1999.
However, the growth of livestock number is a significant impact to livelihoods of rural people, but opposite of it is increasing the high pressure to environmental condition because of livestock distribution and concentration is not even through the country. Surface water is key factor to control the distribution of biodiversity and even livestock in Mongolia. The overgrazing is mainly occurs at few wetland habitats of the country due to the lack of wells for animal husbandry. Additionally, the spring is most dry and exact breeding season of birds in the country. Therefore, the overgrazing and livestock concentration are serious impact to breeding performance and habitat loss of birds in Mongolia.
Migration study on birds of the country is a significant issue for conservation measurements to birds because the majority of total birds (83%) are a migration species. Presently there is several migration study carried out by mongolian ornithologists cooperated with foreign organization and researchers, these are: color banding on White-naped Crane (Ozaki, Gombobaatar and Tseveenmyadag); wing tagging on Cinereous Vulture (Nyambayar, 2002) and Upland Buzzard (Gombobaatar et al. 2003); neck banding on Swan Geese and Whooper Swan (Tseveen with USA collaboration, 2005); radio tagging on Saker Falcon (Gombobaatar and Potapov, 1999-2000); satellite telemetry on Saker Falcon (Gombobaatar and Potapov, 2000-2002, Steppe Eagle (Ellis and Tsengeg); White-naped Crane (Higuchi, Ozaki,Gombobaatar and Tseveenmyadag et al.); Swan Geese (Tseveenmyadag with USA collaboration, 2005) and Black Stork (S.Gombobaatar with Czech collaboration, 2005). These cooperation studies are significant to improve the researchers’ skills and methodology to work on further migration studies in the country.
But the migration study on birds in Mongolia still not develops efficiently
through international level and standards. And we have wide opportunity
to work with collaboration of abroad organization and researchers on migration
and conservation study of birds in Mongolia.